Could the Life Glider walking aid be as helpful as it is intriguing?

Hopefully given time we will be able to test one out. I am fearful of falling every day. It is a constant part of my life for almost but not quite 5 yeas now and it can be exhausting.

From the moment I wake up, it feels as if I am trying to balance on top of an exercise ball. I am not always sure which way my balance will be thrown when it goes off-course. When it does, it could be an uneven floor, wind, or exhaustion that gets me. I usually end up against a wall, on the floor or playing a painful game of twister with my crutches.

Crutches and an occasional pushed wheelchair however, have been my saviors in the mess. Unfortunately, regular walkers with wheels fall out from under me while those without are too difficult to move. Canes on the other hand have not enough of a handle on them for me to rest against.

The Life Glider might not work for me, or it might be the best thing that I ever encounter. If I never try, we will never know. But I would love the opportunity to at least see either way.

Besides helping reduce the fears associated with falling and the wrenched elbows that come with falling while you are using forearm crutches, the Life Glider can help reduce walking-associated fatigue which occurs to people like me.

So hopefully in the future we can try it out, I am quite excited by the idea.

  • More information on the Life Glider can be found at
  • I suggest that you watch the videos of patients/customers while you are there.

The Life Glider can help:

  • ‘permit upright, hands-free mobility’
  • ‘reduce the fear of falling’
  • ‘reduce the fatigue sometimes associated with struggling to walk’

1 thought on “Could the Life Glider walking aid be as helpful as it is intriguing?

  1. I’m a Odsp Recipient, although income support is essential to all it is not that ODSP has to offer as our benefits to what most is eligible also entitled to the most unfortunate outcome of what I have not only experienced but also read, smh at and roll my eye over is that it seems to be most detrimental for all that is receiving the income. Please ponder this statement for which you will understand the ignorance of neglect will truly most as it has me. Now do you not believe the government, your caseworker, the local MP, your doctor, dentist all whom are there to provide you with the resources, guidance also benefits you are covered for…eligible for…oh yes!! thru your Government program of the Disability Support Program..yet…still some will say you receive that “free money from the government ” …..and unbeknownst to them that invisible sandwich board your compelled to stand up for cause the suffering you’ve endured whether thru abuse, accident, tragedy or trauma, you’ve owned that , you’ve dealt with it so it’s not free by no means and it’s not their pile to shovel but boy oh boy youd for sure shovel that shit over to their side any day see how they handle it…so that all said let me just say yous are fighting for shit you have no control over and really will not make much difference cause if it did then this would not be the only subject I read about also what appears to be the only objective..that is sad not to mention banked on..leaves those vulnerable and more likely to be manipulated for those to play God with your health and quality of life..think about it…if you are eligible to receive cost of moving expenses over XX in km and are denied also for partial last months rent and did not receive a letter stating such rejection with opportunity giving 10 days I believe to oppose that decision which btw they must give reason not liking you is not one..btw most reasons are not acceptable you are entitled that is your benefit, if your oral health is affected by your medication…that is the line, the sentence the statement…you are covered!! Period!!…now begin recording your appointments ppl cause you’re getting screwed 7 ways to Sunday and income support is affected because they believe its throughout the system..thing is its gotta stay in the system and it does…doesn’t it!! Dentists will tell you “oh Mr Brown your medication is leaving you with dry mouth and blah blah…” but will he treat you…no oh Mr Brown you’re grinding your teeth you should get a night gaurd” tell them ..ya my meds give me a headache so I grind my teeth…your dentist knows that is Bruxism also covered thru the Special dental care plan which they all deny any knowledge of…that and will not record your medication issues with your oral health…4 years down the road after you’re getting fitted for your first set of dentures…that should never happen …why? You were covered…same with doctors…CHMA counselors, Psychiatrists, Doctors…I’ve only been on Odsp for a short time but I’m educated, observant and a survivor….good luck to you all…money will never bring you happiness, knowledge will….helps you fight the cause and I’m sorry this should not be a fight but ppl give up and ya look dirty, disheveled and like shit…its exhausting to be treated like societies garbage worse when you watch it happen to others cause answer me this…

    What is gain? I hope this gets better….


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